Click a card already chosen for a pass to unselect it.
Click the Score Pad on the lower left of the table to bring up a floating window which shows the score and other useful game information. Clicking on it again will hide the window.
Click the Cup Of Joe on the lower right of the table to tell the computer to finish the hand for you.
Internet Play
If internet play is enabled you can chat either via the line at the bottom of the main window, or via the floating chat window depending on which you've selected from the Preferences dialog available under the EDIT menu. Both chat fields also have a smiling and frowning face buttons, clicking on them will cause your character to smile or frown on your opponents machines.
During bidding, the Bidding Board will appear. Click on the number you wish to bid. You can also type in a number.
Apple Menu
About Spades Deluxe Contains information about Spades Deluxe, your current opponents, help, credits, Freeverse Software, legal stuff, and more!
Other Freeverse Games This menu gives you a quick look at the other fine games available from Freeverse.
File Menu
New Solo Game Begins a new solo game with the current game and opponent settings.
Close Closes windows that have a close box (e.g. the network window).
How Do I Order? Brings up a dialog with information on how to order the game.
Enter Code... Brings up a dialog which will allow you to enter the code you get once you've ordered. This code will unlock all the features of the game.
Boss Coming Will quickly stop the music and hide the game under a progress bar. More for amusement then to really trick your Boss while playing at work, or at lease that's what we tell our Boss...
Quit Quits Spades Deluxe.
Edit Menu
Undo If possible will undo the last trick of the hand. You cannot undo past the first trick of any specific hand.
Copy Copy will place an image of the tabletop on the clipboard, unless the Score Pad or Help windows have text selected in which case the selected text will be placed on the clipboard.
Preferences Opens a dialog for setting all of Spades DeluxeΓÇÖs interface preferences. See Preferences Dialog for more information.
Game Menu
Rules Opens a dialog for setting all of the game settings in Spades Deluxe. See Rules Dialog for more info.
Opponents Opens a dialog for selecting which players to play with in Spades Deluxe. See Opponents Dialog for more info.
Location Allows you to choose a location to play in.
View Provides some subtle variety within each location.
Solo Stats Opens a dialog that displays the number of games played, won and lost.
Show Score Pad Brings up the floating score window.
Show Last Trick Shows the last trick played, if available.
Tutor When this is selected Spades Deluxe will attempt to assist you in playing intelligently. Optionally, you can leave this turned off and then press the question mark (?) or spacebar during game play to get a hint for one turn only.
Telepathy When this item is checked clicking the mouse on your opponents heads will open up a window into their thoughts. This feature is provided for its curiosity value, and to add realism for those of us lucky enough to be able to read minds normally.
Demonstration When checked, Spades Deluxe will play itself.
Network Menu
Embark... Allows you to login to the HMS Freeverse and join or host games.
Disembark... You can leave an existing network game and return to the Freeverse to join or host another game.
Leave Game... Exit the current network game you are playing.
Restart Game When you are the host of a network game you can elect to restart the game with this menu item.
Add Player The host can use this to add computer players. The host can also use the Opponents dialog to do this.
Remove Player The host can use this to remove human or computer players.
Show Chat Window Opens a floating window that allows you to chat with the other players in the current game. You can also chat via talk bubbles and the chat line at the bottom of the main window.
Show HMS Freeverse Opens the Freeverse Network server window so you can chat with other people on the network.
Stop / Play This menu will stop or play the current music selection.
Music Volume... Allows you to set the volume of the background music.
Pick MP3... Brings up a standard dialog which allows you to pick any music supported by Quicktime, including MP3's. Once selected they will be added to the playlist and be saved in your preferences for future games.
Playlist... Brings up a dialog which lets you add/remove and change the order in which songs in your playlist play.
Help Menu
How do I order?... Opens a dialog for registering your copy of Spades Deluxe. Do the right thing!
(Help Menu Options) Each menu takes you to the specific chapters of the help, of which this is one.